
Cannabinoid sales including logistics and customs clearance

Our raw materials are hand selected by industry experts who know Cannabis. We have over 20 years of experience in the cannabis industry allowing us to quickly determine which products are of exceptional quality and which ones do not live up to our standards.  All of our third party tested materials are competitively priced. Our close relationships with both our shippers and customs brokers allow us to clear customs in hours or days not weeks or months allowing us to provide our clients with unprecedented logistical services,


Product formulations and consulting

If you are new to the cannabis space and need help deciding on what products to manufacture or need help with how to formulate those products we can do that! Our expert staff guide you through raw materials selection, dosing, manufacturing, or anything else you may need. We can even have your products third party tested at one of our US based analytical labratories.

OEM Partners

OEM factory referrals

If your business is in need of an OEM manufacturer to mix and package your products look no further! We have partnered with OEM manufacturers in Japan who can get your product formulated, produced , and packaged quickly, cleanly, and economically. Just contact us and we can refer you.


“ It’s not just good, it's Sugoy!”

Sugoy means “ amazing “ in Japanese. And that's the reaction we strive for when someone tries a sugoy product. Whether it's the fast onset and long lasting effect of our body and muscle cream or the great taste of our tincture line. We know when you try a Sugoy product you will immediately think “ Amazing!” 

Product Testing

Third party testing

One of the biggest problems in the Japanese cannabinoid market is lack of certified third party testing. Many importers rely on the Certificate of Analysis provided by their broker when in fact the broker has never actually independently tested the product and is just relying on whatever COA is provided by the production lab. By partnering with our suppliers Rising Sun Exports is able to independently test EVERY batch before export. Leading to less headaches at customs and ensuring a 100% safe and compliant end product. We can also provide our clients the benefit of third party testing for their own retail or wholesale products.